Saturday, December 11, 2010


time is a funny thing. it controls so many things. i find myself being ruled by the clock so often. but instead of talking about how crappy time is i want to focus on the times when time doesn't matter. it doesn't happen very often for me but when it does, WOW! i feel totally free. free from everything. free from obligations, responsibilities, pressures, etc. it's almost as if the demands of life stop when time is irrelevant. i guess you could say that my favorite time is when i don't keep track of time. when anything is possible and nothing is rushed. you can just be. it usually happens when i'm camping or vacationing. and some weekends when i've got nothing planned and just do whatever whenever. i love it. need to do more of it. ya'll should do it too!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I totally agree! Somedays my motto is "I like to work at nothing all day..."