Wednesday, November 24, 2010

thanksgiving eve

i love thanksgiving. it's one of my favorite holidays. we usually host a dinner at our house and this year is no different. i'm ready! the house is clean, the turkey is thawed and i think i'll only have to make one more trip to the grocery store...i hope. i'm waking up bright and early tomorrow to go buy a newspaper since i'll be out before the sun on friday to spend some sweet cash. then i plan to watch the parade (until football starts:) and figure out which stores i need to go to. i'm looking forward to a relaxing day, filled with family and food.

so, apparently the big "salt lake blizzard of 2010" turned out to be a dud. although the commute to work this morning was about twice as long as usual because of the ice covered roads. at one point i felt like i was in a race in mario kart. you couldn't see the lanes and cars were just randomly driving anywhere. i just went slow and tried to avoid the banana peels! it was reminiscent of winter roads in north dakota.

hopefully if you are traveling, the roads will be nice to you and i hope you all enjoy your holiday weekend!

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