Sunday, November 28, 2010

agh! i missed another day

seriously, this weekend was not a good weekend to choose to start my "blog every day" goal. but i'm still committed to it.

so yesterday we (my parents, my sister and brandon) spent some time with some family friends of ours. we met them the day we moved to salt lake in august of 1996. they were moving that same day into the apartment right above ours. they had one son who was about six months old at the time. i was so excited to be his babysitter the next summer! anyways, we have been in each other's lives since. so, yesterday we had a belated celebration for my mom's 50th b-day partay and let me just say, oh my, teenagers are an interesting breed! that six month old i was talking about is now 14 going on 15 (shout-out to my g-ma moen!!-inside joke...sorry, i couldn't help myself) and wow. i have really been noticing lately how awkward and weird that age is. of course it didn't feel that way when i was a teenager but now, i can't help but be weirded out sometimes.

i'm not sure what it is about that age. but, i just can't help but laugh uncomfortably at them. i see a lot of teenagers in my job too. my experience with those gangly kids has increased greatly over the past few months. almost to the point where i don't want to ever have children because they will one day become teenagers and i'm not sure i can deal. they say and do awkward things. they don't quite make sense in what they're saying. and they are awkwardly learning how to be in their "changing" bodies. ugh! that just sounds gross!

however, it was interesting to see lil "big al, rubber baby buggy bumpers...chicken...alfredo sauce" grow from a wee tot to a budding adolescent!