Monday, November 29, 2010

ma'am? ma'am?? ma'am!!

oh, you're talking to me? it seriously bugs me when people call me ma'am. especially when they are not much younger than me. apparently I look old enough to be a ma'am but it sounds gross and I don't like it. so stop!

another random thought i've currently got is: wow, the snow. i love it! brandon took pics of the car buried in the driveway. tasha got stuck on the three times. **side note: for those of you who don't know, tasha is brandon's cousin. she's been living with us for about a month.** the roads were clear by the time i left for work so that was awesome and it just looked so pretty! oh, how i love you snow:) plus, on sunday it was snowing all day long. great for staying inside and watching football.


krista said...

I love snow too! It is very christmasy! Haha

bs said...

snow sucks booooo

Sue said...

I'm with bs - I HATE SNOW!!