Friday, January 1, 2010

sharing is caring

last night i was on my way to purchase some "spirit" for the party brandon and i were going to and as i was walking in a homeless-looking guy held the door open for me. i, of course said "thanks" and moved on. didn't really give it more thought than that. but as i was leaving he was still there. he asked if i could spare a little. my reply was that i didn't have any cash with me because giving money to street beggers is just against my personal philosophy. as i was walking away i realized it wasn't cash he was probably after. my first thought was "duh! he just wanted a little spirit to celebrate or warm up." my second thought was "i wonder if he he has a flask or cup to put it in because i certainly did not want to share his germies?" i should have gone back. my heart strings are tugged when a man will stand at the liquor store on new year's eve holding the door open for people and asking them for spare alcohol.

1 comment:

Krista said...

eeweww creepy. what a crazy guy