Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I detest spoons. I loathe spoons. I am completely and utterly grossed out by spoons. But, I haven't always felt this way about the beloved utensil. I used to use them like any other normal person. My hatred for this horrible creation started when I began paying attention to people using them. The spoon would go into their mouths, their lips would close around the thing and they would pull it back out. I could only picture all the nasty germies that remained and it made me NAUSEOUS. Ever since then I get super disgusted anytime I see someone using a spoon. I, myself, only use them when it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. And it just so happens that using a spoon is only ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY when you are having a bowl of cereal. As it turns out, you can successfully use a fork for things like: ice cream, soup, pudding, jello and applesauce. I am even considering to take cereal out of my diet altogether just so that I do not have to use a blasted spoon. And that, my friends, is why I hate spoons.

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