Sunday, December 27, 2009

christmas with the moens

the weekend before christmas my parents came up for a little pre-christmas celebration since we wouldn't be seeing them on christmas. this is what is left of that weekend besides our memories!

a pic of our christmas tree. it was the first year that we had gotten a real one. i remember getting them when i was growing up but brandon's family usually did the fake tree thing and so we have been doing the same the past several christmas' we've been together. however, brandon thought we should do the real thing this year. the house smelled of pine for awhile after we first put it up and i was thrilled. we took the tree down today since it was so dry and the needles were just falling off. it was great tree while it lasted.

maisy likes to get really comfortable for her naps. i swear she lays in the weirdest positions. she does this thing where she just lands and that's where she'll stay. it looks so uncomfortable sometimes but she'll stay there like it's the best spot. such a dork!

my mom and my mamma taking a nap together.


mom and krista.

krista is too cool for school when she pops the collar on her new bathrobe!

mamma got comfortable in my parent's present. i knew she'd chew on the bag and try to get into it. here she is, taking a rest, after having "conquered" the bag.

krista and i playing scattergories.

mom cheating at scattergories. the internet will not back up every answer you put down!!
on christmas eve, we went to brandon's annual family party. his great-grandmother and her sister's and brother's families all get together. there's usually over 100 people there. we do potluck, raffle items, games for the kids and just sit around and catch up with each other. brandon usually spends the entire time talking to a cousin about fantasy football stuff, but that's cool cuz better his cousin than me!
the next day we met brandon's family for breakfast at the truck stop. oh loverly truck stop, how they love thee. then, we went to his grandmother's after that for more fam time and gift exchanging. it was nice to hang out and there wasn't even that much drama! that evening we had his parents, grandma, aunt and uncle over for dinner. maisy was soooo excited to have company. she went from lap to lap playing and napping. she loves people. my oh my, how she loves her peeps. anyways, lots of family time and even a little of just us two with our furry babes. it was nice to just sit and relax and enjoy the company. i do have to admit that i'm glad it's all done. i mean i had a great time at the parties and shopping and decorating and doing all the extra things one does around the holidays but it's a bit much at times. now i can just focus on graduating in may!!! too weird to say but it's true. only four short months until i complete my master's degree. four. short. months. i'll just keep reminding myself of that...


p.e.n.n.y. said...

i just realized that i didn't use the same green font throughout my post. damn. and i tried so hard.

bs said...

Chistmas was wonderful and felt like it when we went to the christmas eve party

as for your gad time I can't wait the suspense is killing me

Krista said...

why do i look like an idiot in all the pics???? haha

p.e.n.n.y. said...

krista, good question...j/k:)

Cindy said...

FOUR SHORT MONTHS!!! Congratulations on all you have achieved so far!