i just unloaded my camera and had a bunch of random things. thought i'd share them all with you, my loverly readers.
we stopped at the bottom of wolf creek for a ride before we went out to tabiona for the 24th of july (a utah holiday). it was one of the worst rides we have been on but i was able to take some nice pictures. the ride sucked cuz it was sooo rocky and there were huge boulders on the trail. at one point i made brandon take the bikes up and i just hiked up. i was pretty sure i would have crashed and burned-HARD! then the chain broke on his bike and i had to tow him/push him back down. but, we lived to tell the tale.

pretty weeds!

back side of tabby mountain. first time i'd been all the way back there. it was really cool because it was just a huge canyon. one time we stopped to shoot a bit when brandon's cousin shot into someone's camp. needless to say they freaked and we got out of there fast. good thing no one was hurt!

another shot of tabby's finer side.

brandon and tasha found some mushrooms. this pic was taken before they realized the shroom was full of maggots. yuck!

brandon's finer side:)

sunset from our backyard. the pic just doesn't do it justice, it was incredible.

mamma invited all her friends for dinner...well, she wishes she could have had
them for dinner!

one day when i was out back mowing i ran into this little guy. of course i stopped the mower and moved him to a safe place, but now before i took his picture. i like to call him sven olafson.
that all folks!
Why don't you call him Art Bader Aipperspach?
because he's norweigen-not german, duh!
july and august was fun and had a great ime even working on the house with you hun
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