last night, dorie and boyd (brandon's parents) invited us to le cirque. i was really excited because i haven't been to the circus since i was a lil chitlin. brandon was less than excited but a good sport. what's crazy is that boyd had never been, in his whole, entire life! he was clapping and cheering louder than the kids. i loved seeing the animals perform (even though i felt bad for them:( and all the acrobatics. i almost had to turn away on some of the stunts because i just wasn't sure they could do it. they could. best part: when the elephants did hand stands!! omg, it blew my mind. my mouth dropped. the puppies were super cute and the tigers seemed a lil like crabby patty's but they obeyed the whip...for the most part. one of them even hopped on his hind legs. being at the circus definitely took me back to my childhood. brandon even said it was better than he thought it would be.
so, boyd works at a local media broadcasting company and he gave us a private tour at 10 pm, saturday night. it was awesome. he showed us all the sets and where the dj's sit for their radio shows. we watched the 10 o'clock news from above the set. it was so crazy to see the anchors down at the desk checking the mirror during every commercial break, constantly touching their faces to make sure everything was perfect and they even fist-bumped before they went on. i'm not sure why but it was really cool to watch. it was much more entertaining than the news really is on tv. i think i'd watch more of it if i could see the "behind the scenes" every time. after that we went onto the roof and had a great view of all the city lights. it was really pretty...if only i had my camera [insert big sigh here].
it was a petty fun night overall, next time when we go to the circus it will be with little citlins
dont say that on here otherwise people will think we have news or some CRAZY thing like that!
are you trying to tell us something? or not?
if she told us on her blog id be pissed haha
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