i like watching movies but it seems that there are so many reasons not to go see them in a theater. for one, it costs about $8 for 1 ticket! that's about twice as much as it was when i started going to movies. insanity! plus, the quality of the movies that are coming out these days is way down. let's recap, cost: up, quality: down. that's not very enticing. anyways, lately i've found myself viewing a lot of movies in the theater and i've discovered yet another mind-blowing phenomenon: no matter how many seats there are someone inevitably sits in the seats right in front of you. wtf! i had my feet on the seat way before they even thought to sit in those particular seats. these people (and i use the term loosely:) insist on first giving me the stink eye (1) and then just plop down. i don't get it. a lot of the movies i've seen have less than half the seats filled and yet, everytime someone sits in front of me. it doesn't make sense. it must be some weird psychological phenomenon that needs to be researched. like, since people are social beings maybe they are inclined to sit near other humans rather than off in seclusion?? if only i didn't already have a thesis topic:)
note to self and all others reading this: unless there is absolutely NO choice, whatsoever, do not sit in front of some in a movie theater.
(1) watch Juno if you haven't. there is a terribly hilarious scene where one girl gives Juno the stink eye. i crack up just picturing it!
I hate when they sit behind you and kick your chair ughhh its so annoying!
lol ya, but i just want to kick the people in front of me sometimes. i also hate when people laugh really loud when it's really not that funny.
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