i generally do not make new years resolutions, but i do try to constantly push myself in areas i feel i need to work on. recently, i discovered that i am never fully relaxed. i have gotten so used to carrying a certain amount of stress that it is unusual for me to be completely stress free. i've come to the conclusion that for me to fully de-stress i have to allow myself to be okay with the fact that yeah, i have stuff to do but it can all wait. that is the hardest thing for me. normally when i take time to relax or do something i enjoy i'm often thinking about the things on my list that aren't done. now that i've discovered that lil tidbit i'm struggling to figure out exactly how it happens. seems like when it has happened in the past, it's happened by accident. so, my goal for myself is to learn how to create that feeling on purpose. i will be a much better wife, sister, daughter, internee, student, friend, etc., if i am able to take some time to just be. so that is where i'm at. learning how to just be. brandon suggested transcendental meditation. i'm not so sure. even just typing those words was stressful. we shall see what comes of this. i'll keep you all posted for sure. if any of you have tips, feel free to share. anything will help at this point.
thank you and have a nice day:)
Get yourself a massage for starters. That will help get the relaxed feeling started in your body. Once your body is relaxed, then you can work on the brain.
Dude, stop worrying about how great you need to be. You are a fabulous internee and friend. De stressing will just help you realize this! I agree that you may need a massage and getting out of our line of work would totally help you destress. :P
Penny I know just what you mean. You sound like me. Delayed gratification! Oh, I can find a zillion reasons why not to just sit and read until I fall asleep, or bake up a storm until I am sick of it, or sewing until I can't see any more. Well, sewing machine went down last evening so that ended that ! But I agree, a massage, a great cup of coffee, which I am enjoying right now. Flavored of course and I love to watch people at like a mall, just sit and do nothing. Massage to start ;(lots of water after the massage by the way)helps.Music that is soothing too.
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