Thursday, January 14, 2010

my weekend quest

lately i've been thinking, a dangerous past-time i know, about my stress level and trying to come up with a way to give myself a break from it because i know it will never be gone. just a break would be wonderful. anyways, after a fantastic lunch with a dear, dear friend i discovered some things about myself and have decided that because this weekend is a sweet four day weekend i am going on a quest. a quest to find some balance in my life. a quest to re-discover me. seems like i haven't been able to really enjoy the things i like to do. it always seemed tainted because my to-do list was hanging over my head. my goal for the entire weekend is to just do what i want when i want. well the real goal is to be able to enjoy that without the stress of things not done looming overhead. okay, let's be realistic, i won't be able to do that all weekend but i'm going to do it as much as i can. it's a sort of test. but i get test anxiety so i'll call it a quest. more to come on that.


Mom said...

Let me know how your weekend quest went!

Krista said...

I think you succeeded with that this weekend :) for the most part