our christmas tree

table set for a traditional christmas dinner and games with some friends of ours. not that it's so martha stewart or anything but i just love holiday table settings!

santa stopped by our house on christmas eve!

mamma was overwhelmed by all the plastic she could chew. she's like an addict when it comes to chewing plastic. i'll even wake up in the middle of the night to her gnawing on a plastic bag. she gets crazy eyes and just can't help herself. poor girl.

my parent's cat, kc (short for kitty cat). she's a chubby bubby like mamma is!

the parentals.

the hubs and i.

hanging out around the tree in st. george...waiting patiently for the festivities to begin!

krista and zachary.

jeremy and daniel.
sorry, no pics from brandon's family party on christmas eve or brandon's trip to the dunes that day. apparently it was covered in snow, which is rare. i mean usually there will be snow just not that much. anyways, christmas day we went to st. george and had a christmas dinner with my side of the fam. complete with searching for the christmas pickle ornament, which jeremy found! it was quite the competition. then we played games (my favorite part!). the next day we went to mesquite!!!! oh, how i love to play blackjack! it's seriously one of my favorite things. i just can't seem to get enough...talk about addiction! speaking of which, we are going to wendover this weekend so i can play more!!!
I thought the tree was going to be a goner as you guys were looking for the pickle. It wasn't the same afterwards . . .
What a fun Christmas :)
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