well, my quest turned out mostly successful. the weekend of martin luther king's b-day was a great one in which i did a little bit of everything. i studied for my upcoming comp. exam in february (aaaagh! it's coming up very soon!). i hung out with my sister, saw a friend perform at sugarhouse coffee, and went to game night at a friend's house. i then began scrapbooking for like, the first time in over a year. you see, my mother-in-law gives me scrapbook supplies for my birthday and christmas gifts every year. i love that. especially when i make the time to actually use them! since i had piled up an abundance of supplies and really want/need to get some books finished i decided to organize last year's photos and start working. i finished the whole book in one week! i was super motivated and now i'm accomplished. it's a great feeling. now, on to tackle the stacks of photos from other years. i swear, one day, i will be totally and completely caught up on scrapbooks.
i've kept up a little more balance since that weekend. i have been trying to do something i enjoy for part of each day. i also have been trying to maintain a sleep schedule. which as you can see by the time that this was posted i deviated from today and now, i am finding myself an insomniac.
i still take on too many things and am finding myself a bit overwhelmed at times, but i like being able to set time aside for all things necessary in my life. rather than freaking out about a to-do list and not getting anything done.
speaking of fun and exciting events: i went to a sundance film this past weekend. it was a bit strange and a bit funny but overall enjoyable. i was disappointed that i did not see any celebrities, which was my main reason for going. and i was even more disappointed by the fact that my sister went to park city the next day to hang out and saw pauly shore (one of my all-time favs!!) and tommy lee jones. she didn't even take a picture for me. jerk! krista, you know i'm kidding...mostly:) anyways, i did meet a celebrity this past weekend so i'm kinda okay with it. brandon and i went with some friends to wiseguys comedy club to see harland williams. he's in a bunch of movies like rocketman, sorority boys, and superstar, etc. he was freakin' hilarious. i laughed soooo hard i got a headache. after the show he did a meet and greet so i got a photo with him that i would love to share but for some reason i am having trouble downloading it from my phone onto the computer...trust me though, i did meet him.
an interesting tidbit about me: i freeze up when i meet celebrities. it's like i don't even know what to say or even my own name. after i left the comedy club all i could think about were awesome things i could have said to him that would make him like me so much that we become besties and i like fly to his house in LA or whereever for great and fabulous parties. it was like this another time when i was working at k-mart and a couple of members from social distortion came into the store. i love their music and really wanted a pic or autograph but i was too damn nervous to ask for one. instead i just like stalked them around the store. it's k though cuz they were sooo drunk i'd be surprised if they knew which way was up. but, i'm just like why couldn't i have been brilliant and hilarious and made an impression on them so they would have taken me back to their tour bus and i could have totally become a groupie???
this post has gotten pretty long. i'm surprised. and now i'm going to try to go back to sleep...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
my weekend quest
lately i've been thinking, a dangerous past-time i know, about my stress level and trying to come up with a way to give myself a break from it because i know it will never be gone. just a break would be wonderful. anyways, after a fantastic lunch with a dear, dear friend i discovered some things about myself and have decided that because this weekend is a sweet four day weekend i am going on a quest. a quest to find some balance in my life. a quest to re-discover me. seems like i haven't been able to really enjoy the things i like to do. it always seemed tainted because my to-do list was hanging over my head. my goal for the entire weekend is to just do what i want when i want. well the real goal is to be able to enjoy that without the stress of things not done looming overhead. okay, let's be realistic, i won't be able to do that all weekend but i'm going to do it as much as i can. it's a sort of test. but i get test anxiety so i'll call it a quest. more to come on that.
Friday, January 8, 2010
the closest thing i've got to a new years resolution

i generally do not make new years resolutions, but i do try to constantly push myself in areas i feel i need to work on. recently, i discovered that i am never fully relaxed. i have gotten so used to carrying a certain amount of stress that it is unusual for me to be completely stress free. i've come to the conclusion that for me to fully de-stress i have to allow myself to be okay with the fact that yeah, i have stuff to do but it can all wait. that is the hardest thing for me. normally when i take time to relax or do something i enjoy i'm often thinking about the things on my list that aren't done. now that i've discovered that lil tidbit i'm struggling to figure out exactly how it happens. seems like when it has happened in the past, it's happened by accident. so, my goal for myself is to learn how to create that feeling on purpose. i will be a much better wife, sister, daughter, internee, student, friend, etc., if i am able to take some time to just be. so that is where i'm at. learning how to just be. brandon suggested transcendental meditation. i'm not so sure. even just typing those words was stressful. we shall see what comes of this. i'll keep you all posted for sure. if any of you have tips, feel free to share. anything will help at this point.
thank you and have a nice day:)
Monday, January 4, 2010
brandon's got a sexy head
while chatting with some friends in wendover a tall but skinny man with bloodshot eyes grabbed my husband's head and started pulling it towards him. he asked if he could kiss his head. brandon said, "what?!?! no!!" and began pushing the guy away. however, this man was persistent. he so desperately wanted to kiss my husband's head it was embarrassing. i just stood there in shock. no quite sure if they would brawl. it seemed like hours had gone by when finally my friend's boyfriend got the man to leave by shaking his hand and telling him it was cool. you see, this strange man had begun to apologize and insisted on getting an AOK from brandon before he would leave. so when my friends boyfriend told him it was cool he left...for a minute or two...when he came back to ask my friend's boyfriend about buying brandon a drink to apologize. i was very uncomfortable by this time and pretty sure brandon was going to throw down at any second. but alas, the stranger left-for good-and we continued on with our evening. brandon did assure me that a less cool guy would have gotten physical with the guy. boy am i grateful to be with such a cool guy!
Friday, January 1, 2010
sharing is caring
last night i was on my way to purchase some "spirit" for the party brandon and i were going to and as i was walking in a homeless-looking guy held the door open for me. i, of course said "thanks" and moved on. didn't really give it more thought than that. but as i was leaving he was still there. he asked if i could spare a little. my reply was that i didn't have any cash with me because giving money to street beggers is just against my personal philosophy. as i was walking away i realized it wasn't cash he was probably after. my first thought was "duh! he just wanted a little spirit to celebrate or warm up." my second thought was "i wonder if he he has a flask or cup to put it in because i certainly did not want to share his germies?" i should have gone back. my heart strings are tugged when a man will stand at the liquor store on new year's eve holding the door open for people and asking them for spare alcohol.
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