Okay, okay so I know this is really really late considering they came for a visit in early August but, better late than never! My grandma, Marilyn, my aunt, Cindy and my aunt, Amy came to stay at our house for an extended weekend over my birthday. They hadn't been to Salt Lake since 1975 so we went all over the city to sightsee. Here are some of the highlights:

Cindy was really impressed by the fountain that had a foot pedal to start the water. It was even more interesting that the water came out really warm. Even after running it for awhile it was still warm. Anyways, we had to take a picture of her using the fountain. This pic ended up saving my grandma's camera from being lost forever. While we were visiting the LDS Temple, she misplaced her camera. We looked and looked all over for it to no avail. Finally I just left my name and number to lost and found and we left. The next day, someone called saying they found a camera matching the description but they wanted me to describe the pictures on it to verify that it was ours. I just told them there are some of my "crazy" aunt using the water fountain because she thought it was so neat. Yup, it was the right camera. Thankfully, we went to get it. I decided there probably wasn't a better place to lose it at.

View from Joseph Smith Memorial Building. So beautiful!

Great chair in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

My aunt, Cindy, has a "thing" for capital buildings.

Dinner at the Mayan.

Outside the Mayan. It was cold and rainy that night. Don't you just love Amy's wind blown hair? It reminds me of the Little Mermaid when she is sitting on top of the rock and her hair is blowing.

Browsing the Cracker Barrel shop. In case you can't really tell I have a spider hat on.

The giant hamburger from The Counter. I had never been there before but it was a fun place to eat. You fill out your own menu and can put anything in your wildest dreams on top of a burger. By the way, Grandma had to eat it in pieces!

Cindy and I at The Counter.

Cindy and Amy in the Salt Lake.

Mamma found a nice quiet place to sleep. She got used to all the company pretty quickly but they made her tired!

Krista mixing cobbler for the dutch oven at my birthday barbeque.

Cute cake! OMG, I'm a quarter of a century old now!!

Last day. Goofing off at the park before they all headed home.

I'm so glad they are as crazy (if not crazier!) about taking pictures as I am. Seems like we ate a lot since most of the pics are at or around restaurants! There were soo many to choose from but I think I hit all the highlights. We all had a great time and I was so glad they could make the trek. Thanks again you guys!
it was a fun time and gave memotavation to get the basement and cement done on the house
yup. especially since now we have a roommate who needed the room!
ya i needed that room! haha
i want to go to the counter place where is it at?
it's at gateway. it was really good and they have sweet potato fries-i love 'em! we should go!!
You may have waited awhile to blog about our trip but I waited even longer to come back and read it. (BTW-I'm even CRAZIER about taking pictures now that we have three grandsons!) Reading your blog brought back good memories. I'm glad we could all get together.
Oh, and you guys did a great job with your remodeling! I especially liked that little room downstairs! :} (SL,UT HA!! LOL)
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