The big day had finally arrived: June 17, 2009. Brandon finally joined the Thirty, Flirty and Thriving club. His parents came over the night before (after he had gone to work) to "decorate" our house in crepe paper and balloons. Which turned out to be a nightmare for our lil' hoochie mamma. She did not leave the bedroom all night or all the next day. I had to escort her down to her potty house and she refused to eat...such a strange thing for our normally starved kitten who can't wait for her 7 am feeding. Anyhoo, here is what our house looked like:

We took it down when the day was up and the cat felt so free except those pesky balloons still hung out near the ceiling. She would run to her food bowl, take a few bites and then run back to check on the balloons in the other room. After she confirmed their whereabouts she went back for another bite. This continued on until her little belly was full. She is finally used to and okay with the balloon which continues to lurk in the corner.

Brandon's face as he came home and noticed all that was done. I surprised him around the corner with the camera.

The new jacket his parents gave him. It's pleather and is so smelly we had to put it in the garage to air out. It's a nice jacket though and he likes to represent for his BILLS from Buffalo. On his actual birthday we hung out together the whole day and had his parents, grandma, Mike and Krista meet us for dinner at Olive Garden. None of the pics really turned out but it was a nice dinner and the company was good. Plus, Krista and Mike brought carrot cake so he was super excited about that.

That next weekend my parents and brother came and we all went to lunch and a movie (the Hangover and yes, we laughed our butts off). Then we sang Happy Birthday and had the loverly cake I made. My first double layered one. Didn't turn out that well but I wasn't too sad about it. Anyways, I put a whole crap load of candles on the cake and preceeded to light them with a match when Brandon asked, "Do you want more power?" I thought, "Oh golly, Miss Molly what is he going to do now???" He lit the candles with a blow torch. Yes, it worked. Yes, it was a little ridiculous but whatever, as Brandon says "it was on low!"

The next day his family had a barbeque in his honor. They made all his favorite treats, including more carrot cake. This time it was a gigantic sheet cake and now we have frozen cake coming out of our wazoos.

Luckily, Krista and Mike like carrot cake and come over weekly. So, they have been helping him eat it since I'm not a big fan of it. That concludes the festivities and I know Brandon is especially glad about that!
feels good to be part of the "over the hill" croud
There's nothing like celebrating your over the hill birthday for 5 days in a row! haha!
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