This is Brandon's idea of yardwork-dragging a pallet around the backyard to "level" it out. It worked (kinda) and we didn't even have to put millions of man hours into raking through it ourselves. He spread the grass seed out a couple of days ago and I am so anxious to see grass back there, it's not even funny. We still have lots of improvements to make on our house, but we are getting there-little by little. It's exciting to see how nice something can turn out if you just put a little blood, sweat and tears into it. Can't wait for those summer barbeques in our "new" backyard!!
you could make some mini sand dunes in your yard... haha
I like Krista's idea. That's good!
it's funny you say that cuz brandon said, "we could just make a dirt track for the bikes back here and mike and i can ride around while you guys are watching the hills." lol, ya right. i'm sure the neighbors would LOVE it!
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