tonight krista and mike (my sis and her guy:) came over because brandon is helping mike fix krista's 4-wheeler (it's like a never-ending process...but that's another blog altogether). so, i made spaghetti and garlic toast for dinner. (yes, for all those wondering, it turned out okay. i guess i can make stuff to eat if i absolutely HAVE to.) anyways, we were all sitting at the table eating and krista went to blow her nose. this seems like a normal bodily function that everyone has to do from time to time, right?!? well, not for my krista. she tried to blow her nose into her empty, kleenex free hands. say what?!?! yup, she wanted to launch those nasty, snot-covered boogers (uh, spell check??) into her hands. apparently this is part of her morning ritual in the shower and she is just so used to it that it has become a habit. but, i'm not judging i probably have weird rituals too. i just probably wouldn't blog about them...hmmm, maybe i will!
your a butt head lol. i just normally dont even have to blow my nose so im not used to it, dam allergy season lol
omg too funny. you'd better be careful because i have even more embarrassing stories about you. lol
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