Monday, February 16, 2009

"LoGaN fOr PrEsIdEnT's" DaY

We just got back from up North (Logan, Utah) and we are so tired after a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. Why is it that you feel more tired after a weekend of being lazy than a week of lots and lots of work??? We went out to eat last night and the waiter asked how our Valentine's Day was and we said it was good. He then asked what we did (wtf, it's not your business mr. i'm a waiter and extremely nosy and want to know how v-day is for a married couple of almost 5 years) so being the accomodating people we are we fed his nosy habit, and told him we came to Logan for the weekend. He was baffled. "You came to Logan for FUN???" were his exact words. I had to explain that because there is little to do, especially when it's so cold, it seemed ideal because we have both been so busy and we just needed a break. I'm still not sure he understood.

Anyways, this morning I was checking my emails and noticed the temperature was a balmy 1 degree. Whoa, hold the phone...1 degree Farenheit, as in almost 0 degrees Farenheit, as in REALLY SUPER COLD?!?!? Brandon makes fun of me when I'm cold in the Winter because they way he sees it, I should be used to subzero temps. being from North Dakota and all. But, truth be told I have only been back to ND once during the winter since we left almost 13 years ago so I have forgotten how cold cold really is.

Even though it was incredibly cold, it was so great to get away from Salt Lake and just be with each other with no distractions. But the weekend seemed to go by so fast and I'm not ready to begin the million thing long to-do list I've got for this week....oh well, not much I can do about that.

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