Tuesday, February 24, 2009

mArDi GrAs 2oo9

hApPy MaRdI gRaS!! mamma even earned some beads...don't ask how;)

we have been so daaang busy lately. brandon is almost to the point of mobility on his four-wheel beastly creation. i'll have to take some pics to post. for those of you who don't know, he has taken the motor out of a bullet bike and put it into a yamaha warrior frame. he's super excited to try it out this weekend at the dunes...i'm hoping it doesn't blow up.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

well, they don't look awful

after rescheduling like four times i was finally able to get to the eye doctor today. i loathe going to the doctor, any kind of doctor, because you usually end up waiting for EVER and there are always so many bored kids. no one likes a bored kid. they just whine and cry and cause trouble. anyways, while i was in the waiting room there was only one kid and she was bored...but in a cute way. after a few minutes she told her mom that she just can't wait anymore and she had to leave. then she was asking about that eye puffer machine that hurts and her mom told her it doesn't hurt it just startles a person and it checks for important problems. the little girl just said "it doesn't check me cuz i'm scared." too cute.

and another thing, that blasted eye puffer machine sucks, it just sucks. i swear there has to be a better way to identify if someone has glaucoma or not. i mean really. it is hard to deny your natural reflex to pull away and blink but they expect you to. and the whole anticipation is the worst. just waiting...waiting...waiting.and POOF a shot of air right in the eye. it could hardly get any worse than that. i guess i will trust that the medical peeps who create horrible machines like that would have already created a better machine if they could.

just so you all know, i'm horrible at picking out glasses. i know that about myself and still i go to my appointment alone. brandon can pick them out for me in like 2.35 seconds and yet, i spend an hour. so, i'm asking the worker lady for her opinion...not my best idea. she proceeded to tell me how these were not her favorite on me and how those "don't look awful." then she brought over 20 other pairs to try on and after careful consideration i ended up with the ones that just don't look awful. none of them really turned her crank i guess. we will see how others react to them once i get them back. i'll post pics and you all can be brutally honest...


Monday, February 16, 2009

"LoGaN fOr PrEsIdEnT's" DaY

We just got back from up North (Logan, Utah) and we are so tired after a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. Why is it that you feel more tired after a weekend of being lazy than a week of lots and lots of work??? We went out to eat last night and the waiter asked how our Valentine's Day was and we said it was good. He then asked what we did (wtf, it's not your business mr. i'm a waiter and extremely nosy and want to know how v-day is for a married couple of almost 5 years) so being the accomodating people we are we fed his nosy habit, and told him we came to Logan for the weekend. He was baffled. "You came to Logan for FUN???" were his exact words. I had to explain that because there is little to do, especially when it's so cold, it seemed ideal because we have both been so busy and we just needed a break. I'm still not sure he understood.

Anyways, this morning I was checking my emails and noticed the temperature was a balmy 1 degree. Whoa, hold the phone...1 degree Farenheit, as in almost 0 degrees Farenheit, as in REALLY SUPER COLD?!?!? Brandon makes fun of me when I'm cold in the Winter because they way he sees it, I should be used to subzero temps. being from North Dakota and all. But, truth be told I have only been back to ND once during the winter since we left almost 13 years ago so I have forgotten how cold cold really is.

Even though it was incredibly cold, it was so great to get away from Salt Lake and just be with each other with no distractions. But the weekend seemed to go by so fast and I'm not ready to begin the million thing long to-do list I've got for this week....oh well, not much I can do about that.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I've been domesticated

I have taken up crochet with special thanks to Brandon's grandma for being so patient and teaching me. The lovely creation in the picture is my first adventure in the wonderful world of crochet. Thought you were curious as to the natural skill I possess...or rather don't. I'm hoping practice makes perfect when it comes to crocheting. I am so excited to become an awesome crocheter (I'm not sure that is the right word to describe someone who crochets) and make tons of stuff. It's interesting that as I am getting older I am becoming increasingly interested in all--er, most things domestic. It's not a bad thing by any means just never really thought I would be into these kinds of things. But, it's so much fun and I'll keep you all posted as I'm creating more things and hopefully getting better at making things look purty.