brandon wanted to surprise me last weekend so he planned a getaway to salt lake's mini-vegas to the west, wendover. we love going out there and used to go a lot but then we stopped getting free room coupons so we haven't been for like 3 years. anyways, brandon doesn't usually plan anything let alone surprises so when he does it's really kind of special (awww, how tender!). not only did he arrange the night away but he got tix to the pat benatar concert there. i totally heart her and her music. it was great to hear all my favorite songs of hers live. too fun! plus, it was really entertaining to see some "older" women drunk and dancing with the "younger" ones. so anywho, these pics are backwards since that is how they uploaded and i'm not about to change their order. here is mrs. pat benatar. btw, she loves to play air guitar:)

we went to the west end of town and watched the sunset. very nice shades of pinks and yellows.

us, watching the sun go down. before we gambled away our stash of cash. oops;)

this sign used to be right at the stateline but they moved him to the other end of town. for those of you who don't know, the summer before we moved to utah (in 1996) we stayed in wendover. it's kinda how we were introduced to salt lake. we went back to nd for a week or so to pack all of our things and come back. as a 12 year old about to enter junior high i wasn't too thrilled about this, as you can imagine, but that's a different story...:)

some artist created this...ummmm....well....rather strange sculpture about 20 or so miles from wendover. i'm not really sure what it's about and it's always made me curious so, i wanted to share it with those of you reading who haven't seen it.

the salt flats.