have i ever mentioned that i love the holiday season??? well, i love the holiday season. a radio station in salt lake starts the christmas music the day after halloween and sadly, that is when i started listening to it this year. it always cheers me up. anyway, we had a crazy busy thanksgiving weekend. this is one of my favorite photos of the weekend. it's a goodie. we had houseguests all weekend (which is not a bad thing for those of you houseguests reading and you did not overstay your welcome). for thanksgiving, we had brandon's parents and my parents, krista and the babe (as he is so lovingly referred to as in our family), jeremy, and more food than we could possibly consume. of course, we planned our attack on the black friday sales--where we would go, what we would get and if we should even go to bed or not. we ended up going to bed, but brandon and i got up at 3 am to meet his family at his grandparents house. brandon stayed there and napped in the chair with his grandpa while us chickies went buckwild!! it was absolute chaos and hilarity. i never take it too seriously and mostly just go for the fun of it. as brandon, so famously says, "i thought we were in breadlines???"
on friday night we had another dinner party with some friends and the moen side of the family. i think people really enjoyed the whole mexican thanksgiving theme we had going on (tacos and leftover thanksgiving stuff:). we played games and laughed and the little kids scared mamma (for those of you who are new to my blog, that's our teenaged kitty) so badly she thought for sure she would have a heart attack. the next night we had brandon's cousin and his wife over for some more thanksgiving leftovers and more game action. we do love the games. on sunday, after church, i finished putting out my christmas decorations. i am totally ready and excited for some good holiday times and some new traditions.
as all these dinner parties were going on i was neglecting my thesis paper even though my advisor has asked for a full draft by the 1st and i was sure by now it was lonely. one problem: now it's finals week and i've got so much other stuff do and exams coming up that any hope of completing a draft is rapidly disappearing. oh well, there is always next semester. i do have to say how unfair it is to have thanksgiving weekend just a couple weeks before school ends. it's like a tease for the semester break but only to thrust me into one of the busiest times in my life. last weekend left me with little to no motivation to do anymore schoolwork this semester. but i don't really have a choice (well, i do actually. i could always fail the papers/exams but that might get me academic probation and i'd have to do the classes over again--not a very good looking option) so i will trudge through it and hopefully come out on top.
wow, this blog has turned out quite long so thanks to all of you who have stuck through it and read the whole thing. i think i will start paying some attention to my papers and such so, until next time....